生活中找樂趣 says
8 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
川普分裂了美國 他真的能讓美國再次偉大嗎? - 衛報特輯影片
Donald Trump has divided America. Can he really make...
Trump urged to make America great again by embracing...
全球暖化:所有你想知道關於氣候變遷的那些事 - 即時衛報實況
Global Warning: 24 hours on the climate change front...https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Yv1V6juzRug/maxresdefault.jpg
#美國總統大選2016 #美國民生社會議題 #沒落工業城 #賓州翻盤 #藍領階層與中產階級 #溫室效應 #氣候變遷 #巴黎協議 #綠色潔淨能源 #化石燃料
latest #49
掰噗~ feels
8 years ago
不要問, 很恐怖 (p-wave)
生活中找樂趣 says
8 years ago
swn002: 我剛剛翻錯了QwQ
生活中找樂趣 says
8 years ago
原來東電投資美國大失敗?= =+
生活中找樂趣 says
8 years ago
生活中找樂趣 says
6 years ago
Mitt Romney: Trump's biggest failure is a lack of ch...Incoming Utah senator says president has abandoned allies and failed to lead a ‘divided, resentful and angry’ nation.
生活中找樂趣 says
4 years ago
Are they gone for good? The Trump supporters who reg...President’s latest decisions – deploying military forces against protesters, and the church photo op – are chipping away at his base

via @T680 - 明尼蘇達州警方執法過當:膝壓黑人頸部五分鐘致死 民眾憤怒上街抗議,FBI也要查 - 衛報...
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