生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
你最糟的惡夢:一個成功的川普總統 - 美國 - 衛報國際版
'Your worst nightmare: a successful Donald Trum...隨著美國總統在政策上陸續獲勝,還想要將俄國門焦點轉到歐巴馬與媒體上,某些專家說自由派該是驚醒的時候了。
#美國 #推特追隨人數 #橢圓形辦公室
latest #25
掰噗~ says
7 years ago
息怒息怒 @口@
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
With Trump it’s time to go beyond mere disgust | Jonathan Freedla...

Anger over the president’s repulsive behaviour is important. But it needs to be shaped into a coherent political argument

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