生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
<承諾> 全國川普狂熱一年後 他失去了支持──但沒有很多 - 川普就職一年 - 衛報特輯
A year after a county flipped for Trump, support has...訪問了投兩次歐巴馬的郡

One year in a county that flipped for Trump – in pic...
一年後了 數千名民眾帶著無畏的精神回到了女人大遊行 - 衛報國際版<美國>頭條
One year later, thousands return for Women's Ma...Thousands rally across US one year after Women’s Mar...
[轉FB] 【女人迷 womany】 第二屆女權大遊行,數十萬人齊聚洛杉磯、紐約、華盛頓、芝加哥、丹佛、波士頓和全美其他城市大遊行,許多人頭戴粉紅針織的「小野貓帽」(pussy hat),延續去年開始的 Time's Up 運動。
10+ Of The Best Signs From The 2018 Women’s Marchhttps://goo.gl/7XUuNs #美國民生議題
latest #40
10+ Of The Best Signs From The 2018 Women’s March當日態度標語選:

👉「尊重我的存在,或是等待我的反抗」"Respect My Existence or expect my resistance"

👉一隻狗狗身上的標語,「就連我都知道,不要就是不要」"Even I know, no means no."

👉 如果你執意要建造高牆,我們這一代人會將它通通拆下。

👉 川普不配"Cunt" 這個字,因為他既沒那個深度,也沒這麼溫暖。
swn002: 越來越有這種感覺了...... OTL
美國總統川普於本月20日,也就是他上任一周年的當天,投稿至《華盛頓觀察家報》(Washington Examiner),自吹自擂這一年的政績,表示自己推的政策兌現了對美國人民的承諾,美國國內經濟和軍事力量也在這年得到了大幅度的成長。
《華盛頓觀察家報》刊出的文章「President Trump: A year of real change」,川普在文章開頭就先數落民主黨一番,「儘管民主黨人士持續阻撓、玩政治遊戲,但我從未停止為人民努力。」他強調,共和黨在去年通過了稅務改革法案,政府為人民創造了200萬個工作機會,失業率更是創下17年來新低,他也致力於鴉片類藥物泛用的防治工作,更在打擊極端組織「伊斯蘭國」上取得成功,以上這些都是在他任期內取得的成就。
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
川普要在演講中讓大家知道所有族群都受到他任內的受益 - 衛報國際版<美國>頭條
Trump's state of the union speech aims to prese...The president’s speech ‘will make clear that all groups are benefiting under this presidency,’ a White House official said
#演講 #演說 #偉大領袖
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Trump sets out immigration plan in State of the Unio...
Trump renews call for path to citizenship for undocumented migrants and signs order to keep Guantánamo Bay prison open

Donald Trump's State of the Union address: the key m...
Trump State of the Union address promised unity but ...The president’s ‘new American moment’ speech stirred Republican applause while Democrats showed thinly disguised contempt
State of the union
Donald Trump delivered his first state of the union, addressing issues including infrastructure, regulation and immigration. Joe Kennedy III, a congressman from Massachusetts and a grandson of Robert F Kennedy, delivered the Democrats' official rebuttal.
Fact check: Donald Trump's State of the Union a...Alan Yuhas examines key claims in Donald Trump’s State of the Union address and separates fact from fiction
生活中找樂趣 says
4 years ago
Are they gone for good? The Trump supporters who reg...President’s latest decisions – deploying military forces against protesters, and the church photo op – are chipping away at his base

via @T680 - 明尼蘇達州警方執法過當:膝壓黑人頸部五分鐘致死 民眾憤怒上街抗議,FBI也要查 - 衛報...
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