生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
迴避利益衝突 川普:我將離開我的事業 - 衛報
Donald Trump claims he is leaving his business inter...話說上次他好像說不想住白宮,要每天搭私人飛機飛往DC通勤上下班?w
選前羅尼罵川普是騙子 "與魔鬼吃完晚餐"後大讚川普
Mitt Romney praises Trump after 'deal with the devil...這個大轉彎已經讓推特鄉民拿來當梗酸了www
‘Wonderful evening’: Romney after dinner with Trump#美國總統大選2016 #羅姆尼不意外 #偽君子虛偽 #共和黨
latest #32
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
Trump's conflicts of interest: a visual guide
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
川普才上台 白宮前律師提告集團收外錢涉違憲 | 新頭殼 newtalk
富豪川普(Donald Trump)就任美國總統後,其旗下公司繼續收受外國政府款項,恐有違憲之虞。美國一群知名憲法學者、白宮顧問律師,以及最高法院訴訟律師23日將到法庭提起訴訟。
生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago
'Unprecedented violations': states sue Trump for not se...
Attorneys general of Maryland and Washington say he violates the constitution by failing to separate his public responsibilities with his private interests

生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago
Mitt Romney: Trump's biggest failure is a lack of ch...Incoming Utah senator says president has abandoned allies and failed to lead a ‘divided, resentful and angry’ nation.

via @T680 - 川普分裂了美國 他真的能讓美國再次偉大嗎? - 衛報特輯影片讓美國再次偉大!專家呼籲川普...
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago
Trump tweet about Scottish golf course an 'invitatio...Ethics watchdogs decry tweet boosting Trump International.
Citizens for Ethics on TwitterThere it is. The president is using an official statement as an ad for his business and making sure everyone knows he ties his business to US relationships with foreign countries.

via @CteaX55 - 【言而無信】報告指出 川普的蘇格蘭渡假高爾夫球場破壞了脆弱的自然沙丘生態系 - 觀...
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