生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
【衛報獨家】「我會取得一個更好的協議」柯賓:就算工黨贏了提前大選,脫歐還是會執行 - 衛報政治版頭條
Corbyn: Brexit would go ahead even if Labour won sna...
政府真的很笨 工黨必須要在脫歐議題上放聰明一點 - 衛報評論
This government really is stupid. Labour must get sm...
Jeremy Corbyn: Labour could do a better Brexit deal....若是梅伊的拙劣脫歐失敗了,所有選項都會放在檯面上,包括二次公投與(提前)大選
#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #工黨黨魁 #JK羅琳 #推特戰火
latest #33
Jeremy Corbyn to set out Labour alternative to PM's ...Corbyn will tell business leaders a ‘good Brexit plan’ must include ‘radical programme of investment and real change’

#工黨的脫歐協議替代方案提議 #好脫歐 #商業大老 #投資
「"人民選票"是個背叛之舉」全英最大公會領袖 警告工黨不要支持二次公投
Unite leader warns Labour against backing second EU ...
Exclusive: Len McCluskey tells MPs ‘people’s vote’ could be seen as betrayal, sources say

#工會 #二次公投
Party activists pile pressure on Corbyn to back seco...Labour leftwingers launch internal campaign for new referendum, but some senior figures fear policy shift could cost votes
#二次公投 #工黨 #左翼 #施壓
Corbyn faces furious Labour backlash over backing Br...Labour leader accused of betrayal on second poll and ‘in danger of losing young backers’.
Labour’s leadership is at rock bottom – it won’t be ...The majority who oppose leaving the EU need a new coalition to rescue us from disaster.
活動人士與盟友告訴柯賓:支持脫歐 恐造成國會席次喪失
Jeremy Corbyn told supporting Brexit could cost Labo...Activists and allies concerned by plan to back EU exit even in case of second referendum.
JK Rowling mocks 'Saint Jeremy' Corbyn's Brexit stan...Harry Potter author uses 16-post ‘festive thread’ on Twitter to criticise Labour leader.
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
【米勒班投書】柯賓放棄了歐洲。為了英國,我們可不行! - 衛報評論(當日點閱率第一名)
Corbyn has given up on Europe. For the good of Brita...As Labour subscribes to the government’s dangerous Brexit fantasies, a people’s vote is now the only way to ensure stability.
Most Labour members believe Corbyn should back secon...Nearly 90% of party members would opt to stay in the EU in a ‘people’s vote’, finds survey.
Corbyn defies calls from within Labour to back secon...Party leader says Theresa May should return to Brussels to secure new deal with full customs union.

生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
【小心大輸】如果柯賓支持脫歐 他將面臨選舉災情 - 觀察者週報政治版(當日點閱率第二名)
If Corbyn backs Brexit, he faces electoral catastrop...The biggest Brexit survey yet shows Remain ahead – and Labour losing by a landslide in a general election if it does not oppose leaving the EU
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
工黨在脫歐政策上面連大量挑戰 - 觀察者週報頭版頭條
Labour faces ‘mass challenge’ over Brexit policyThousands of members demand second referendum as poll reveals party’s share of vote would plunge if it backed exit deal

#二次公投 #民調 #脫歐協議
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
'People's vote': backers bide their time to force La...Campaigners believe best moment to win over Corbyn will come after Commons vote.
Corbyn could face string of resignations if he backs...A number of Labour frontbenchers say they would consider their positions if leader backed idea.
Voters less likely to back Labour with 'stop Brexit'...Unreleased poll for group backing second referendum finds almost a third would be less likely to back party

稍早標題:Labour would lose voters if it sought to halt withdrawal, poll suggests
工黨議員警告黨魁柯賓:支持二次公投,否則我們就辭職 - 衛報頭版頭條
Labour MPs warn Corbyn: back a second referendum or ...Labour leader struggling to balance conflicting forces in his party over Brexit
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