生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
「背叛了社會主義者的價值!」 工黨的草根支持者在脫歐議題上與黨魁柯賓反了 - 衛報
Grassroots Labour supporters revolt against Jeremy C...公開信全文:Open Letter from Labour Party members to Jeremy Corb...'Labour is running scared': our readers on Corbyn's ... https://imgur.com/6dj44Jq.jpg
又一個影子大臣辭職,還有兩名黨鞭也反了 I’ve quit as shadow minister over article 50 to foll... Two Labour whips defy Jeremy Corbyn on article 50 vo...我支持的是柯賓1.0,不是聖誕假期後出現的什麼柯賓2.0。現在連他的草根支持者,也就是那些最挺他、讓他兩次當選工黨黨魁的人都暴怒了。他真的最好腦袋要想清楚。
latest #39
Jeremy Corbyn: Trump should to be banned from UK unt...這次一個很大的質疑就是:你之前反核但都說工黨議員自由投票了,為何這次會要求大家票投啟動里斯本條款50。
Brexit rebel Tulip Siddiq: ‘Voting for article 50 would have felt...
Don’t tell me you weren’t warned about Corbyn | Nick Cohen

Jeremy Corbyn is going to bury the Labour party. If you don’t want that, do something
Corbyn and team criticised for briefing against Watson over Momen...

Labour MPs say deputy leader has been wrongly vilified after he spoke out against Momentum’s plan to increase influence with help of Unite union
Labour membership expected to fall below half a million

Party unsure if those leaving are Jeremy Corbyn supporters, who joined just to back him, or opponents of his reign

Momentum welcomes expelled Labour activists, says founder

Move goes against party membership requirement and prompts speculation that Jon Lansman is nervous about enforcing constitution

#expelled #逐出 #開除黨籍
Labour peers accuse Corbyn of Brexit cowardice
Party is blocking efforts in Lords to call for membership of the European Economic Area.
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