生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
工黨反對黨魁柯賓的人們 已經開始在英國各地活動以避免出現下一個左派黨魁 - 衛報
Corbyn's Labour critics organise locally to prevent ...另外還有一派人一直在喊換黨魁,基本上兩派人馬的動作基本上相輔相成。

就說工黨某些方面已經右派化了。一來既得利益者不爽,二來禮貌國原則怕硬左派路線得罪傻傻的民眾。我只能說啦,工黨自己保重。 難怪有人說工黨想再次掌權很難。

Jeremy Corbyn fills gaps in shadow cabinet after Bre...https://imgur.com/AqJ3sxT.jpg
#中左路線 #中間偏左 #草根黨員 #補選
latest #19
Secret tape reveals Momentum plot to seize control of Labour

[衛報獨家] 草根團體知道柯賓氣數已盡,但也試著確保硬左派能夠拿下工黨的主控。

#秘密錄音帶 #全英國最大工會
Trotskyist factions seeking to take over Momentum, member claims

Momentum executive member suggests it is inevitable that Jeremy Corbyn will be abandoned by some factions if he is not ‘ideologically pure enough’

#Trotskyist #Momentum
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Reforms briefed to unions would mean fewer MPs needed to nominate candidates
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