生活中找樂趣 says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
脫歐大將法拉吉喊二次脫歐公投 留歐派大歡喜 - 衛報政治版頭條
Nigel Farage backs second referendum on Brexit笑屎wwww

Farage's call for second Brexit vote greeted with gl...腦洞的人可真是永遠會出乎意料啊。
#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #做球給對手 #阻止脫歐
latest #55
掰噗~ says
7 years ago
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
There’s still a real chance for a second Brexit refe...The key is timing. The people may well want a rethink once the clock runs out in March 2019 – when the disaster will be clear

Can Brexit be stopped? Not by a second referendum | ...The risks pile up, but Brexiteers don’t care. Never-ending limbo could be the least terrible outcome
A second Brexit referendum? It’s looking more likely...
The election changed everything and now deadlock in parliament looms. The final deal may have to go back to the people
Referendum II is coming. Farage just can’t bear bein...Nigel backed Steve Bannon, but that blew up. So he’s back for one last job, to settle this thing once and for all. And then perhaps do it again
法拉吉坦承:我們歷史性的脫歐公投,現在有可能被反轉 - 衛報頭版頭條(2018-1-13)
Our historic Brexit vote could now be reversed, admi...前UKIP黨魁警告:現在"都是留歐派在主導",因此在國會投票上有可能會反轉。
【分析】驚慌失措的法拉吉與暖身中的國會議員──真正的脫歐掙扎只是個開端而已(Analysis: Real Brexit struggle is only just beginning) 
With Farage rattled and MPs flexing their muscles, t...
This week MPs will again debate the withdrawal bill to take the UK out of the EU. Soft Brexiters are increasingly confident, while the most prominent Leaver is plunged in gloom
How and why Britain might be asked to vote again on ...
It still doesn’t look that likely, but we can begin to see the circumstances which would compel a second referendum
Jeremy Corbyn: 'We are not calling for second B...
Brexit: Britons favour second referendum by 16-point...Guardian/ICM survey finds rising interest in vote on final deal as concerns mount over EU talks
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
'Be optimistic': Andrew Adonis launches hi...As Labour peer begins national tour in Durham, locals find idea of second vote hard to stomach

#反轉脫歐 #樂觀點 #工黨 #難消化 #吞不下去 #難以置信
二次空投是否只會是另一個脫歐幻想? - 衛報評論(本日點閱率第六名)
Will a second referendum be just another Brexit fant...人民選票(People's Vote)獲得的支持日益愈增。不過結果也可能會很驚人的出乎意料完全反走向。
Nigel Farage hits out at MPs as he joins forces with...
Controversial MEP links up with Leave Means Leave to fight Theresa May’s Brexit plan.
#硬脫歐 #脫歐就是脫歐
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Why Nigel Farage’s return could make a people’s vote...The former Ukip leader – and his snake oil – are back. But there’s a risk to his political showmanship, and he knows it.
#政治藝人 #蛇油 #江湖法術回來了
Is public support shifting toward a second EU refere...As talk of second referendum grows, here are the key questions on the issue.
Conservative party donor calls for second public vot...Sir Simon Robertson, former Rolls-Royce chairman, speaks out as warnings mount of huge costs of no-deal withdrawal.
#保守黨金主 #無協議脫歐帶來的龐大成本
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
【投稿】倫敦市長:人民必須要有另一次公投 來拿回主控權 - 衛報評論
The people must have another vote – to take back co...Theresa May’s abject failure in negotiating a deal with the EU means that the public must have a fresh say .
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
倫敦市長:給英國另一個公投 - 觀察家周報頭版頭條
Give Britain another Brexit referendum, says Sadiq K...Sadiq Khan呼籲人民應該要有另一次機會使用選票,並朝工黨黨魁柯賓施壓。
Tom Watson tells Corbyn: ‘We must back members on ne...Labour party deputy speaks out as poll shows 86% of members want second referendum.
Labour agrees to keep options open on 'people's vote...Draft conference motion says Labour ‘must support all options’ for second Brexit vote.
Keir Starmer clashed with Corbyn on Brexit 'to brink...Shadow Brexit secretary said to have shown outrage at ‘ambush’ with customs union paper earlier this year.
Keir Starmer: second Brexit vote could contain remai...Shadow minister says motion being put to Labour conference leaves question open.
工黨黨魁柯賓呼籲支持修改 好讓二次公投能過 - 觀察家周報政治版頭條
Jeremy Corbyn urged to back amendment for second Bre...跨黨派聯盟的目標在於除掉任何梅伊首相與布魯塞爾簽下的協議,並迫使二次公投之出現。
Let the people judge whether a Brexit deal is fit fo...
UK's top lawyers urge Theresa May to back second Bre...More than 1,500 sign letter calling on PM to let British people have final say on EU membership.
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Senior Tories urge free vote on second referendumCabinet ministers renew pleas for fresh approach after damaging week for PM.
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Party activists pile pressure on Corbyn to back seco...Labour leftwingers launch internal campaign for new referendum, but some senior figures fear policy shift could cost votes.

#二次公投 #工黨 #左翼 #施壓
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