生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
【英國】一百萬人參加了上週六的倫敦反脫歐大遊行 - 觀察家周報頭版專刊頭條
One million join march against Brexit as Tories plan...'People’s vote' march: up close with anti-Brexit pro...
歐洲媒體如何報導反脫歐大遊行?開心的呢! European media delight in covering anti-Brexit march 媒體焦點將這場抗爭視為梅伊政府的失敗

本次抗爭招牌精選48 48 of the best signs from the People's Vote marchPut it to the People march: a formidable sea of huma...‘I'm fed up with hearing May talk about who voted to... As hundreds of thousands march in London, what next ...https://imgs.plurk.com/Qwv/izn/IBlRyqJ0ZsjtScMgf2sqP9FTaHS_mt.jpg
#Brexit英國脫歐 #遊行 #示威 #抗議
latest #14
生活中找樂趣 says
5 years ago
Why I am marching against Brexit today | Andrew Adon...
As Britain’s institutions buckle at the prospect of Brexit, its people are finding their voices at precisely the right time
‘I want a clean conscience’: meet the marchers for a...People tell the Guardian about their motivation for joining the march in London on Saturday
Pro-remain MPs draw up plans to vote on revoking art...Talks come as the number who have signed petition on parliament website to stop Brexit passes 4.6 million.
European media delight in covering anti-Brexit march媒體焦點將這場抗爭視為梅伊政府的失敗
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