生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
一個接一個"脫歐救贖"註定就是個迷惑人的虛假幻覺 - 衛報評論
One by one, Brexit’s ‘salvations’ are seen to be ill...所有在公投前聲稱未來在歐洲的貿易地位根本都只是在說大話。
脫歐是場錯誤嗎?現在就連最高調的脫歐大將都有疑慮了 - 衛報評論
Is Brexit an error? Now even Vote Leave’s chief is h...噗www
#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #NHS國家健保 #VW汽車 #脫歐金主 #說大話Hot_air #空話 #貿易談判 #貿易協商
latest #33
Reject the chancers and their fantasy visions of post-Brexit trad...

Too much debate is underpinned by false and grandiose claims about future deals. Time for a reality check
脫歐原本只是柴契爾主義的終焉 但可能會變成它的徹底死亡
Revolutions are for zealots and fools – as the Brexit Bolsheviks ...

Leaving the EU was meant to be Thatcherism’s finale, but could turn out to be its death instead
#狂熱分子 #革命你的頭
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