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male AR, United States
Reach me on AIM. as Atticus. Here is the how to. AIM Phoenix - Long Live AIM
So i am a scientist in Psychology. Weening myself from most social media and some advice. And here are some of my RANTS!
2 years ago
its been one busy week for me
2 years ago
another day of grind, i was so tired yesterday i think i went to sleep as soon as i came home from work. woke up with my glasses all mangled lol
2 years ago 1
i wish my weather would make up its mind, either stay 70 or stay 40 , its wearing me out.
2 years ago
a list of irc networks if you miss chats? Known & Prohibited Networks – BNC4FREE
2 years ago
miss BBS days over 100 choices now networked.Telnet | Telnet BBS Guide
2 years ago 1
another experiment that every first year psych student knows about Asch'S Seminal Experiments Showed the Power of Confo...
2 years ago 2
and i did an Essay and Research paper on this one years ago. and another experiment that reminds of what's going on now you tell someone something so often they believe it or become it. Monster Experiment – Alliance for Human Research Pro...
2 years ago 1
whats going on now reminds me of a few experiments that went way wrong. one of them that reminds me of what's going on now is this one. The Third Wave (experiment) -