生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
中國崩潰!《自然》新研究:太平洋沿岸東亞人祖先可能源自台灣 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報 Genomic insights into population history and biologi...法國國家科學研究中心(CNRS)研究員Quintana-Murci的最新太平洋人種研究摘要寫道距今5000年的新石器時代擴張時期之前,台灣原住民可能是太平洋地區人類的東亞祖先。
Lluis Quintana-Murci on Twitter【複習】一份2003的MIT研究(PDF):【全世界都是 MIT?】麻省理工研究:台灣人可能是現今地球所有人類的共同祖先 | BuzzOrange(引用下收)
#出台灣論 #人類遷徙路線 #南島語系民族 #武漢肺炎 #基因庫 #尼安德達人 #臺灣史上最有梗的臺灣史 #人類起源
latest #27
掰噗~ feels
3 years ago
生活中找樂趣 says
3 years ago
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Lluis Quintana-Murci on TwitterHappy to share our study on the demographic & adaptive history of Pacific Islanders @nature, led by @JeremyChoin @JavierMenRev @lararubioarauna & @Etienne_Patin.
Many thanks to our collaborators and, mainly, to the participating communities. See 1/5
Lluis Quintana-Murci on TwitterUsing whole genomes from 20 Pacific populations, we provide insights into the peopling history of the region and reveal episodes of biological adaptation relating to the immune system and lipid metabolism, through introgression from archaic hominins and polygenic adaptation (2/5)
Lluis Quintana-Murci on TwitterWe find that the ancestors of Near Oceanians underwent a strong bottleneck before the settlement of the region, and show that the Austronesian expansion was not followed by an immediate, single admixture event with Near Oceanians, at odds with the out-of-Taiwan model (3/5).
Lluis Quintana-Murci on TwitterWhile Neanderthal introgression (homogeneously distributed, ~2.5%) facilitated modern human adaptation related to multiple phenotypes, Denisovan introgression (which differs between groups, ~0–3.2%) was primarily beneficial for the regulation of innate and adaptive immunity (4/5)
Lluis Quintana-Murci on TwitterFinally, we find that modern humans received at least four pulses from different Denisovan-related groups. The recent dates of Denisovan introgression we detect in East Asian and Papuan populations indicate that these archaic humans may have persisted as late as 21–25 ka (5/5). https://twitter.com/Quin...
《自然》期刊刊出法國國家科學研究中心(CNRS)研究員坤塔納-馬奇(Lluis Quintana-Murci)的最新太平洋人種研究,認為東亞的人類可能源自台灣原住民。(資料照)
《自然》期刊(Nature)刊出法國國家科學研究中心(CNRS)研究員坤塔納-馬奇(Lluis Quintana-Murci)的最新太平洋人種研究,摘要寫道距今5000年的新石器時代擴張時期之前,台灣原住民可能是太平洋地區人類的東亞祖先。
綜合外媒報導,這份研究摘要指出,大約4.5萬年前,人類離開非洲穿越歐亞大陸定居在太平洋地區的島嶼上,透過基因庫數據分析,當時的人類在距今4萬年至2萬年在此區域分散,而第2次的遷徙始於5000年前的台灣,台灣原住民可能成為太平洋地區人類的東亞祖先,這些原住民們在距今3000年前更首次移動至離澳洲更遙遠的玻里尼西亞、密克羅尼西亞等遠大洋洲(Remote Oceania)地區。
生活中找樂趣 says
3 years ago

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