Kara Timtam
4 years ago
What's up with me: health nominal. Family members still speaking, barely. SF conventions of the year, all cancelled. Still isolating for health reasons.
latest #8
Kara Timtam
4 years ago
Wishing like holy heck to hobnob with my SL peeps. I dropped in on Relay For Life and nobody I knew was there, or free to chat. Missing Herr Baron and the Europa Wulfenbach Mafia.
Kara Timtam
4 years ago
Working from home is going well for me, as long as nobody tries to get my attention. Working twice as hard and some quirky hours, as long as the issues go out at the appointed hour, no problem there.
Stereo Nacht
4 years ago
The Baron often comes to the Saturday night dance, and so do I. So if you want to join, holler up and I'll TP you in! (Or I can send you a landmark.)
Biscuit Eye
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
Miss having you around Plurk, at least!
4 years ago
SeleneSue I would love to hang out with the old gang. We should engineer an outing, so we can see each other and chat..
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