生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
4 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
#武漢肺炎 英格蘭舒緩封鎖 英國政府:請尊重蘇格蘭、威爾斯、北愛爾蘭的規矩,別去他們那
Stay out of Scotland is new virus guidance advice fo...
武漢肺炎封鎖:到底強森宣布了哪些新措施?Coronavirus lockdown: what are the new rules announc... 首相呼籲無法在家工作的人回到職場,但要避免使用大眾運輸。

英相強森舒緩全國封鎖 蘇相史德貞告訴蘇格蘭民眾「待在家」 Nicola Sturgeon tells Scots 'stay at home' after PM ...
「擁擠場所要戴口罩、衣服要常常洗」60頁舒緩封鎖計畫 英格蘭推智慧型管控,建議大眾要戴口罩直到成功的疫苗或治療方法出來為止 Public advised to wear face coverings under UK gover... 強森:「我希望、希望、希望」會有疫苗,但「完全無法保證」
#中國肺炎 #COVID19 #武漢病毒中國病毒 #新冠NCP新型冠狀肺炎
latest #100
掰噗~ says
4 years ago
不是吧? :-&
蘇格蘭首相史德貞提出計畫來減緩蘇格蘭的封鎖限制 - 每日紀事報(2020-5-05)
Nicola Sturgeon outlines plans to ease lockdown rest...
Stay Home, Save Lives; Protect NHS Scotland
UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson sets out 'roadmap' out of lockdown in address to nation
UK coronavirus: 'This is not the time to end the loc...
強森:商店與一些學校可能從六月開始恢復運作 - 衛報政治版(2020-5-10)
Boris Johnson's lockdown release condemned as divisi...又:封鎖仍舊維持,但是英格蘭會允許更多的戶外活動。


稍早標題:Boris Johnson says shops and some schools could open from June

武漢肺炎封鎖:到底強森宣布了哪些新措施? - 衛報國際版(2020-5-10)
Coronavirus lockdown: what are the new rules announc...首相呼籲無法在家工作的人回到職場,但要避免使用大眾運輸。

稍早標題:UK coronavirus lockdown: what has Boris Johnson announced?
Stay alert: Boris Johnson's new message to the natio...via Edward Malnick on TwitterStay alert: Boris Johnson's new message to the nation, as he unveils Covid-19 warning system
Nicola Sturgeon on TwitterThe Sunday papers is the first I’ve seen of the PM’s new slogan. It is of course for him to decide what's most appropriate for England, but given the critical point we are at in tackling the virus, #StayHomeSaveLives remains my clear message to Scotland at this stage.
英相強森舒緩全國封鎖 蘇相史德貞告訴蘇格蘭民眾「待在家」(2020-5-10)
Nicola Sturgeon tells Scots 'stay at home' after PM ...
The Daily Record on TwitterThe Daily Record would like to apologise to our readers and @NicolaSturgeon for the poor choice of wording in an earlier headline regarding lockdown. The headline should have said the FM was easing lockdown restrictions and not lifting them. We have amended the headline.
Nicola Sturgeon on TwitterThanks - much appreciated @Daily_Record 👍
餐飲業深受封鎖衝擊,許多人都在問酒吧與餐廳何時復業? - 英國電訊報
When will pubs and restaurants reopen in the UK?
UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson says 'I hope, hope, hope' for a vaccine, but it is 'by no means guaranteed' — as it happened
UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson says 'I hope, hop...

- UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson sets out lockdown exit plans to MPs as official death toll rises by 210

- UK coronavirus live: Boris Johnson answers questions from the public on lockdown exit plans

- 台灣這邊不是說年底應該趕得出來?

- 順利的話。而且趕得出來的話,希望還可以有效。
「擁擠場所要戴口罩、衣服要常常洗」60頁舒緩封鎖計畫 英格蘭推智慧型管控,建議大眾要戴口罩直到成功的疫苗或治療方法出來為止 - 衛報國際版
Public advised to wear face coverings under lockdown...
稍早標題:Public advised to wear face masks under lockdown easing plan for England
原圖:Stay Alert > Control the Virus > Save Lives
UK coronavirus death toll passes 40,000, official figures say

UK coronavirus death toll passes 40,000, official fi...英國死亡人數過4萬了
牛津流行病與醫學教授投書:如果我們跟著強森的建議,那冠狀病毒就會擴散 - 衛報評論
If we follow Boris Johnson's advice, coronavirus wil...現在無法篩檢、追查、隔離風險的情況下就要大規模開放復工、重回職場,恐將造成超級病毒傳播事件。
【英國】到仲夏都不會有假期:英國旅館最快也要到7月4日才復工 - 太陽報
No holidays until middle of summer - with UK hotels ...
Tube & roads packed as Boris says go back to work bu...首席大臣Raab一言:應該週三再上班,更加深了混亂

過去兩週 英格蘭就有 14萬8千人感染武漢肺炎
148,000 in England infected with coronavirus in last...
受到武漢肺炎衝擊 英國音樂演唱會與音樂祭面臨崩潰的風險

UK live music and festival sector at risk of collaps...
The Guardian: UK coronavirus live: Shapps rules out return to austerity as leaked report says Treasury considering cuts and tax rises.
UK coronavirus live: No 10 uses wrong quote to rejec...
英國各地封鎖規矩的差異 - 天空新聞網
Coronavirus: How lockdown rules differ across the UK
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago

BMA backs teaching unions' opposition to schools reo...
稍早標題:BMA backs teaching unions opposing reopening of schools
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
I've Zoomed and I've dog groomed and I still don't k...The confusion sown by Boris Johnson has spread to Covid-19 testing and beyond

#混亂 #篩檢 #測試
Sinn Féin on TwitterOn Monday, many of you will return to work. We have to be sure that your health and safety and that of your family is protected.

We need a plan for our whole island because that's the only way we can keep each other safe.

We need to take these steps safely and act together.

#配套 #注意事項 #復工
專家:太晚警告喪失味覺 英國恐有數千個案例沒上統計數據
Thousands of Covid-19 cases missed due to late warni...
稍早標題:UK coronavirus tests advised for people who lose taste or smell

生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
Jim Fitzpatrick on TwitterWhoops 😬 NI Secretary @BrandonLewis swiftly corrects ominous typo
https://imgur.com/dNyo5RI.jpg https://imgur.com/nIAi4mV.jpg

via Gerry Adams on TwitterWell it made me smile. First time since Mo Mowlan and Peter Mandelson that a British SOS has done that.

Non-essential shops to reopen from 15 June - PM
Rates bills set to go out to Northern Ireland househ...Rates bills to go out to Northern Ireland households

There are rates relief options for people on low income or UC

#家家戶戶費用 #電費 #價格 #水費 #低薪資 #舒緩
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
Nicola Sturgeon on TwitterIf you’re planning to meet up with another household this weekend, please follow these rules to stay safe
➡️ 1 other household/ 8 people max
➡️ Stay 2m apart
➡️ Don’t go indoors
➡️ Wash your hands often
➡️ Avoid hard surfaces & clean any you do touch
➡️ Take care in the 🌞

#見面注意事項 #社交 #曬太陽
英格蘭將限制學生前往威爾斯、蘇格蘭,以及北愛爾蘭 - 衛報教育版
England to limit students going to Wales, Scotland a...
NI to bring in 14-day quarantine for travellers
Dales national park welcomes responsible first-time ...
受疫情衝擊 英國動物園面臨倒閉風險
UK zoos at risk of closure
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
2020-6-09 非生活必須店鋪能在週一恢復營業
All shops in England can reopen on Monday if safe
2020-6-10 動物園與野生動物園預計於6/15重新營業
Zoos and safari parks set to reopen from 15 June - P...
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