生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago

結果太陽報的政治主編竟然酸蘇格蘭首相史德貞刻意搶在英國政府之前宣布「就算這精心設計企圖使西敏政府難堪,也會有這種效果」。#防疫時期還這什麼嘴臉 #跟KMT與藍營民嘴有87趴像

蘇格蘭平常天氣 vs 防疫期間的天氣另外這陣子蘇格蘭天氣也爆好,首相也勸大家好好待在家別亂跑而增加感染或擴散風險。
I know lockdown gets tougher as we head into the wee...#武漢肺炎 #中國肺炎 #COVID19 #武漢病毒 #中國病毒 #新冠NCP新型冠狀肺炎
latest #38
生活中找樂趣 says
4 years ago
掰噗~ says
4 years ago
norman smith on TwitterScottish Govt recommend face coverings in shops and public transport
Tom Newton Dunn on TwitterYet again, Sturgeon announces a measure before the UK Govt. If it's not a concerted attempt to embarrass Westminster, it's having precisely that effect anyway.
Nicola Sturgeon on TwitterI’m just trying to do my job - as every other government is. This tendency to read malign motives when all any of us is trying to do is tackle the virus as best we can, is tedious and misplaced.
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