生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
【衛報獨家】NHS醫療人員死於武漢肺炎 調查人要查卻被告知「不要去看個人防護裝備不足的問題」 - 衛報社會版(2020-4-29)
NHS staff coronavirus inquests told not to look at P...調查被引導要避免查核體制失靈?工黨表示「這讓人非常擔心」

Revealed: the inside story of the UK
【發災難財】價錢飆高725% 「你晚上怎麼能睡?」個人防護用具公司遭控公然謀利
‘How do you sleep at night?’: PPE company accused of...
Revealed: Private firm running UK PPE stockpile was ...http://bit.ly/3aRTYtF
#武漢肺炎 #中國肺炎 #COVID19 #武漢病毒 #中國病毒 #NCP新型冠狀肺炎 #新冠 #牟利 #倉庫 #囤貨 #法律議題 #債務糾紛
latest #62
生活中找樂趣 says
3 years ago
掰噗~ says
3 years ago
唉唉 (p-sad)
UK coronavirus news: Britain unites again to applaud...

Coronavirus: scientists caution against reopening schools

Coronavirus: scientists caution against reopening sc...學校復課?科學家警告感染恐擴散
Matt Hancock says UK has passed 100,000 coronavirus testing target

Hancock says UK hit 100,000 tests amid claims tally ...

UK coronavirus live: those in deprived areas have double death rates of affluent areas, new statistics show

UK coronavirus: government says counting of tests un...
Lewis Goodall on TwitterSo we have the Prime Minister in London saying we’re past the peak but the First Minister in Edinburgh saying we can’t be sure of that...

Government announces £76m to support vulnerable in lockdown

Government announces £76m to support vulnerable in l...
Coronavirus plan for returning to work puts employees at risk, says TUC

Coronavirus plan for returning to work puts employee...貿易公會議會:要復工將會讓勞工曝與風險之中
UK coronavirus live: black people four times more likely to die from coronavirus than whites - ONS

UK coronavirus live: black people four times more li...
【揭露】英國國家健保處的資深採購官在防疫期間私下販售個人防護裝備 - 衛報社會版(2020-5-01)
Revealed: NHS procurement official privately selling...
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
【COVID19調查】送貨駕駛道出英國國內私人經營的個人防護用具囤積情勢有多混亂 - 衛報國際版
Drivers tell of chaos at UK's privately run PPE stoc...

稍早標題:UK's privately run PPE stockpile was in chaos, sources say
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