生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
「當個女人還得提心吊膽」關於拒絕男人這檔事,有什麼危險是沒說出來的 - 衛報國際版(2019-3-25;當日點閱率第五名)‘Being a woman is scary’: the unspoken danger of dec... 拒絕男人的殷勤與注意不應該會是女人的問題,但從女星Jameela Jamil的經驗來看:這通常是個問題。這幾天她跟朋友逛街時,被一個男人拋媚眼並上前來給她電話號碼。她說自己有男友並婉拒,對方竟然威脅她的事業:最好記住她拒絕了他,並大喊「妳是個低層人」。她說19歲時曾經直接跟個男人說「不了,謝謝」也沒有任何理由,結果直接被他朝臉上揍了一拳。現在她不論單身與否都說自己有男友。「當個女人真的是長時間都很提心吊膽。根本如履薄冰。
#性別歧視 #性別暴力 #女性權益 #做女人真辛苦 #性騷擾 #沙豬嘴臉 #西茶翻譯組
latest #41
掰噗~ says
5 years ago
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Jameela Jamil on TwitterWas out at the shops with my friend. Man ogles me. Man then approaches me to give me his number. I explain I have a boyfriend but thank him for the offer. Man then threatens my career, saying I better remember that I rejected him. And then Shouts at me that I’m low class... 🤷🏽‍♀️
Nicky’s 🍰 Twin on TwitterIt’s gross that you had to mention that you were already taken by another man (we’ve probably all done this) to try to “let a man down easy” in order to stay safe and that didn’t even ducking work 🤬
Your Outer Voice with Carrie Mahoney on TwitterA man I worked with and barely knew asked me out. I told him I was already dating someone. He asked me who with skepticism. I told him it was someone else at work. He demanded his name. After I told him he went to that guy to verify my story. 🙄
amanda's @ FWA!! on Twitter"I'll insult her, that'll win her over!" why are men like this
Evil Twin says get a flu shot on TwitterBecause, by and large, they don’t face consequences for actions like this, so they think it’s okay to be a raging dumpster fire of a trash-ass human.
Kennise Darlsson on TwitterI got called a lesbian and told I was probably on my period when I rejected a guy his friend also spat a chip at me 🤦🏻‍♀️ and this this awesome girl came out of nowhere and started shouting at them. Not how I expected the end of my night out to go 😂
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago


Shruti Pimplikar on TwitterWas in an Uber once and the driver asked me out and I wanted to reach my destination safely so had to lie about having a boyfriend. The driver then went on to ask me details about this guy. Now I always have a back story in place in case I meet such guys again.
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago

Reece Muir on TwitterMen really don’t understand that woman don’t owe anything to them
Jameela Jamil on TwitterI once said no thank you to man when I was 19 and didn’t have an excuse... and he punched me in the face. After that whether or not I have a boyfriend, I say I do. Being a woman is truly, constantly scary. It’s like existing on thin ice.
Orca says
5 years ago
"I got called a lesbian and told I was probably on my period when I rejected a guy his friend also spat a chip at me 🤦🏻‍♀️"
那時我拒絕一個男的,然後我被叫「蕾絲邊」、「她是月經來了吧 (意指女生個性難搞)」,他朋友還朝我吐薯片。🤦🏻‍♀️
Orca says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
“Was in an Uber once and the driver asked me out and I wanted to reach my destination safely so had to lie about having a boyfriend.”
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
euthenia: 感謝修正。我剛剛翻的時候沒看清楚 (艸

euthenia: 其實很神奇(?)的留言不少,記得還有個教小孩的(然後小孩長大也沒讓媽媽失望)。總之挑了幾個太衝擊(?)的出來翻ww
Orca says
5 years ago
不客氣~ 想說真的是應該分享出來給大家看。同意鬼片說...
5 years ago
5 years ago
@CteaX55 - 吉列刮鬍刀 #MeToo 廣告 男權運動分子沙文豬集體玻璃心爆裂 - 衛報國際版頭...【轉錄】好男人與壞男人的共謀,出自 《空間就是性別》 (2009-2-17) #女性 #女權 #反強暴 ...
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