生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
麥宏在岸上擋下了川普與勒班大軍──現在他必須履行對人民的承諾 - 衛報國際版
Macron holds forces of Trump and Le Pen at bay – now he must deli...
【衛報編輯部】敝社觀點:麥宏先生 祝你好運,你會需要的。
The Guardian view on the French election: Good luck, Mr Macron. Y...
Emmanuel Macron: new French president. Photograph: D...#法國總統大選2017 #全球化 #右翼極右派復甦
latest #29

Macron’s victory march to Europe’s anthem said more than words | ...

France’s new president campaigned against narrow nationalism. That’s why his win matters for the EU
Victorious Emmanuel Macron plots phase two of plan to change Fran...

The day after his election win, the French president-elect sets to work on the crucial business of a parliamentary majority

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