生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
主流媒體都支持麥宏 勒班惱羞開砲攻擊了 - 衛報頭版
Le Pen attacks Macron as she steps aside as head of Front Nationa...


Emmanuel Macron talks to journalists after the first...這樣就惱羞?有夠中二,然後又是拿這種大帽子帶風向騙白癡選民。不過現在要擔心的是:這個被台灣媒體稱為「女版川普」的傢伙把自己包裝得很左好像很照顧勞工其實根本就是個種族歧視狂熱分子,偏偏這些選民就是有可能會被她給騙走票了。

#法國總統大選2017 #極右派右翼嘴臉 #勒班的興起與被遺忘的法國 #國際觀
latest #21
Politicians from the Socialist and Les Républicains parties – the mainstream centre-left and centre-right groups that have dominated French politics for decades, but found themselves shut out by voters – united on Monday to urge the country to back Macron and reject Le Pen’s populist, anti-EU and anti-immigration nationalism.
生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Marine Le Pen springs surprise visit on Macron during picket line...

Presidential frontrunner was meeting with striking factory workers but far-right candidate rushed to her heartlands to try to show up rival

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