生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
蘇格蘭首相史德貞:非常硬脫歐正對英國經濟產生壞影響 - Sky天空新聞
Nicola Sturgeon: "Very hard Brexit is having a bad i...數據顯示,零售業創新低,已經可以看出脫歐的負面影響了。
前自民黨商業大臣:脫歐可能造成比2008更糟的金融海嘯 - 衛報政治版

Brexit could trigger worse crash than 2008, says Vince Cable

Tusk: EU will deal “firmly” with Britain over Brexit
#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #脫歐協議協商談判 #全球化與地緣政治 #英國大選2017 #自由民族黨
latest #22
前自民黨商業大臣:脫歐可能造成比2008更糟的金融海嘯 - 衛報政治版

Brexit could trigger worse crash than 2008, says Vince Cable

Liberal Democrat former business secretary launches election bid with warning of dire consequences of leaving EU without a good deal
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