生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
8 years ago @Edit 8 years ago
為何英國經濟無視了末日預測? - 衛報
Why has the UK economy defied predictions of doom?
Post-referendum forecasts for 2016 had to be quickly...+
Chief economist of Bank of England admits errors in Brexit foreca...
#Brexit英國脫歐公投 #建築業服務業 #建設營造 #經濟學家 #英格蘭銀行 #經濟危機與蕭條
latest #19
UK economy is about to surge back to life, says leading forecaste...

Economic thinktank NIESR predicts boom in exports and higher wages will lead to GDP growth of nearly 2% and interest rate rise

#GDP成長 #利率升息 #出口成長
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