Stereo Nacht
4 weeks ago
I slept badly, and not enough (tired) I think I'll just go back to bed. Then more installing drawers in my cupboard, putting pots and pan in said drawers, and putting other stuff in the big drawers that will be freed up.
Stereo Nacht
4 weeks ago
And then, I should burn some trash (non-recyclable), and do some dishes. My needle booklet is back from the contest (didn't win, but when it's a chance draw, it really doesn't matter), so I could work on that. Or on the mosaic crochet. Or on mom's nightgown. Oh, and I haven't done any seedlings yet.
Stereo Nacht
4 weeks ago
But more sleep, first. Well, maybe today's game before. Have a great day, everyone!
emily ✟
4 weeks ago
Have a great day yourself.
Stereo Nacht
4 weeks ago
I emptied the dishwasher, started loading it with stuff just out of storage, and washed some more by hard. It's not half what I wanted to do, but it's something.
4 weeks ago
Don't work too much! Tomorrow is another day:-)