emily ✟
42Friends 33Fans
female Taunton, MA, United States
I am a child of God, a wife, a fur mom to Daisy & Lily, & also to 10 ferals that even though I can't hold them, I love & I have named Lilo, Sammy, Momo, Boots, Oreo, Inky, Garfield, Sherbert, Loki & Smokey.
emily ✟
6 months ago 237 @Edit 6 months ago
I'm a bit concerned about Daisy. She hasn't been her normal self since last night. I hope it passes whatever it is. She ate this morning but hasn't asked for food again yet. Her vet appointment isn't until the end of next month. She sometimes does this and then bounces back. But as a cat parent. I can't help but worry. Please send prayers.
emily ✟
4 hours ago 3
I'm off to bed. Good night.
emily ✟
9 hours ago 2
The day has finally cooled off. I had to pull the curtains in the living room closed, as we get a lot of sun coming through there and the temp in the house skyrockets, we don't want that. It's much nicer now, the furbabies inside & out are enjoying the cool temp this evening.
emily ✟
11 hours ago
Our help is in the name of the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 124:8 -Psalm 124:8 - NKJV
emily ✟
17 hours ago 7
Good morning, everyone . Happy Friday . I didn't get a chance to send you all a goodnight greeting last night. I hope you all slept well last night. It is going to be a warm day, maybe about 84° F. Windows are open, with a light breeze coming in. Have a blessed day.
emily ✟
Yesterday 6 @Edit Yesterday
Yesterday my husband went to pick raspberries and tomatoes from the garden. I had some in my breakfast(greek yogurt) (and raspberries), and some for my lunch today in my salad (raspberries and tomatoes), so good. https://images.plurk.com/RWUmylgekHEyQYXFnIgNW.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3J9POflWhyMLRr9fWVVLSp.jpg
emily ✟
Yesterday 1
For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God.
Hebrews 3:4 -Hebrews 3:4 - NKJV
emily ✟
Yesterday 4
Joke or no joke, wow! Biden putting on a MAGA hat.Instagram
emily ✟
Yesterday 11
Good morning, everyone. Happy Thursday! Wow, Thursday already. It sure is going fast. I'm cold again. I guess fall is coming through the door now . Sweater weather! Have a blessed day.
emily ✟
2 days ago 3
Good night, friends. Sleep well.