【悲報】破紀錄:2022年是海洋最熱的一年 - 衛報環境版

Oceans were the hottest ever recorded in 2022, analy...
隨著聖嬰現象的歸來 今年升溫恐「爆表」

Warning of unprecedented heatwaves as El Niño set to...

UK’s record hot 2022 made 160 times more likely by c...

【歐洲冬季新高溫】天氣太熱 滑雪場被迫關閉(雪都融掉一堆了)Record warm winter in parts of Europe forces closure...'It's heartbreaking': ski slopes forced to close as ...
Weather tracker: January temperatures smash records ...
#氣候變遷 #氣候異常 #熱浪 #極端氣象 #極端天氣 #海水溫度 #海溫