【悲報】塔利班佔領阿富汗首都 將成立「阿富汗伊斯蘭酋長國」 總統據傳已出逃 - 衛報國際版實況
Taliban claim they will soon declare ‘Islamic Emirat...真的是WTF!


越戰再現?布林肯:「很明顯地這不是西貢1975」 ‘This is manifestly not Saigon’: Blinken defends US ...為何阿富汗軍隊打不過塔利班 A tale of two armies: why Afghan forces proved no ma...塔利班復辟對當地開打組織的影響 What does the Taliban’s return mean for al-Qaida in ...分析:阿富汗淪陷的速度留下許多未解之謎 Defeat amid anxious bureaucracy of western evacuatio...
首都街道「被遺棄」 恐懼的居民都躲起來了 Kabul streets deserted as fearful residents hide awa...https://imgs.plurk.com/QzO/OlH/GHPwg5Z7mnhJ3uHonp8KG34rtfV_lg.jpg
#神學士 #政權交替