生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
研究指出:慢性重度酗酒將導致嚴重的痴呆 - 衛報社會版頭條
Chronic heavy drinking leads to serious risk of deme...
Contribution of alcohol use disorders to the burden ...
複習:老年人喝太多 恐造成NHS定時炸彈
Older people drinking too much could create NHS ‘tim...
#社交習慣 #重度飲酒 #飲酒過度 #失智 #英國國家健保壓力
Chronic heavy drinking leads to serious risk of deme...
Contribution of alcohol use disorders to the burden ...
複習:老年人喝太多 恐造成NHS定時炸彈
Older people drinking too much could create NHS ‘tim...
#社交習慣 #重度飲酒 #飲酒過度 #失智 #英國國家健保壓力