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Theresa May to invite Labour to help create policy a...笑翻wwww 為了保權位,只好跟外部敵人合作這樣是吧。老媽說真不要臉www
- 保守黨高層:就讓她過完這個夏天吧 Let Theresa May stay at No 10 for the summer, top To...- 梅伊:我不後悔提前大選 Theresa May claims she has 'no regrets' about callin...- 唐寧街有個活死人 There’s a member of the living dead walking Downing ...- BBC以「政治魯蛇」稱呼梅伊
BBC Calls Theresa May "Political LOSER!" Surprising ...‘Even May’s attempts to convey continuity and stabil...#英國大選2017 #政治輸家 #要求下台負責 #行屍走肉 #內鬨