生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
川普正式就職美國總統 - 即時衛報實況
Donald Trump inauguration: parade and protesters tak... 'American carnage': Donald Trump's vision casts shad...
川普就職典禮實況轉播 - BBC
Donald Trump presidential inauguration - BBC News
The honeymoon is already over for President Trump | ...
On eve of inauguration, Trump addresses nation in sh...超酸www 還記得川普的"小手手"wwww
#美國總統大選2016 #政權交接
Donald Trump inauguration: parade and protesters tak... 'American carnage': Donald Trump's vision casts shad...
川普就職典禮實況轉播 - BBC
Donald Trump presidential inauguration - BBC News
The honeymoon is already over for President Trump | ...
On eve of inauguration, Trump addresses nation in sh...超酸www 還記得川普的"小手手"wwww
#美國總統大選2016 #政權交接