73Friends 86Fans
male Maricopa, AZ, United States
My job is the most exciting job in the world and I know that nothing can give me the adrenaline rush I get with my job. Updated my avatar. I hope you like.
10 years ago 4
Who just moved to Verizon? This guy. Who just recieved unlimited data? This guy!
10 years ago 1
One day of work and then I'm off for one day. (banana_gym)
10 years ago 7
Been with Verizon now for 2 months. I will say that their 4G is second to none (Sprint anyway). But the call quality could use some help.
B1glou98 shares
10 years ago 18
Love this beer. It's from a local brewery.
10 years ago 2
Reading up on WMEperts and realizing how awesome the Nokia cameras are. Maybe next time?
10 years ago 4
Yawn! (:
10 years ago 8
At work with back pain. 800mg of Ibuprofen consumed. Let's numb the pain.
10 years ago 4
Last time I was here I was using a Palm Pre. I'm on my 4th Samsung Android device.
10 years ago 3
Damn, how long had it been
B1glou98 says
12 years ago
One word... FuckthatstupidassroomieWilliamsfuck!