0Friends 0Fans
female Bloomfield, NJ, United States
1 months ago Never order ice cream on Uber Eats. It takes too long and comes melted and Uber Eats will not do anything for you.
1 months ago On a hot spring day, ice tea from Dunkin is the way to go!
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
With this Corona virus, everyone's going crazy. I'm not gonna live life being scared. I'm gonna live life doing what I have to do and what I wanna do. It's not that I don't care, but I have a life to live and no virus is gonna stop it.
smallchange_528 wonders
5 years ago
If you had to choose, iPhone or Android? Let me know. (code_okok)
smallchange_528 wonders
5 years ago
If I can be in any family, I'd want to be one of the Camdens and have Erik an Annie as my parent. (7th Heaven) I love them. ;-)
smallchange_528 feels
5 years ago
:-& It's suppose to be spring and with this cold weather 🍃😖💦😨, I'm actually starting to have a headache.
smallchange_528 wonders
5 years ago
It's suppose to be spring 🌺🌻🌹🌷🌱 already and it's still cold and rainy 🌧️☔out. When is spring 🌺🌻🌹🌷🌱really coming?
6 years ago
It's gonna be a ong day at work. I better not get sone shitty customers and cashiers.
6 years ago
I'm so over with all this snow. It's spring 🌱 and hopefully, this is it.
6 years ago
Don't understand why some people have to tweet all day, as if thrit life is a drama.