42Friends 10Fans
male Philippines
Im Alien Lol
samuelgoyao hates
9 years ago 1
That awkward moment when you see 9 year old kids with boyfriends or girlfriends, while you're still single. (haha) (LOL) samuelgoyao
samuelgoyao wishes
9 years ago 1
I may not be the most
person in your life...
I just hope that when you
hear my name...
you smile and say
That's My Friend!!!
samuelgoyao wishes
9 years ago 1
May pasok bukas Yehey!
samuelgoyao wishes
9 years ago 3
Karma 14.61 tumaas kana man Oh !!
samuelgoyao shares
9 years ago 5
That moment you realized you actually were crushing on someone, but it might be too late :/ X-(
samuelgoyao says
9 years ago
I like you and you have no idea... X-(
samuelgoyao feels
9 years ago
hey plurk: what is the correct way to eat oreos?
samuelgoyao shares
9 years ago
Kaya pala malungkot ngayong undas kasi pag binaliktad mo SAD NU?
samuelgoyao hopes
9 years ago 15
mamatay na ata ako
samuelgoyao says
9 years ago 2
"Why do I love you? Because you are and always have been my dream."