44Friends 29Fans
female New Zealand (Aotearoa)
● House DJ and certified heckler at the Blue Moon Theatre
● Regular DJ and enthusiastic patron at Atomic Palace
● Join the Radio Prune group to keep track of my DJ shennanigans
15 hours ago 4
It just occurred to me: Did the original artists of Lascaux imagine even for a second that their art would still be admired 17000 years later?
Yesterday 13
New owlish bookends just dropped...
Yesterday 11
I just realised that in (some?) US accents ‘Play Doh’ sounds the same as ‘Plato’ and for some reason this is amusing me.
2 days ago 6
Cyberprue, courtesy of ateardrop

Cyber Pru
2 days ago 7 @Edit 2 days ago
Apparently, on average, short people live longer than tall people.
3 days ago 29
Hey gamerz. What's a good questy PC game that doesn't involve ongoing copious amounts of violence? Asking for a me.
3 days ago 4
So Gorky Park stands up pretty well. The acting is good and the dialogue is delivered in an interesting way. Mercifully the British actors don't attempt Russian accents but they use a cadence that feels a bit like listening to a Russian play. The musical score, however, is execrable. (It probably sounded cool to 1983 ears).
4 days ago 10
Also... STORM a-comin'
4 days ago 9
OK, heading in for the last session of the week. After which I shall slurp a stout.
4 days ago 6
How come we talk about, eg, riding on horseback or stroking a cat's back when we actually mean their tops?