Luke Skywanker
236Friends 17Fans
Seattle, WA, United States
I used to RP. Why are you even here?

Characters! Ask me how!
Luke Skywanker
2 weeks ago 76
So today I visited both the RR diner from Twin Peaks and The Brick pub from Northern Exposure and I think that's deserves some kind of achievement award.
Luke Skywanker
2 weeks ago 2
I may be very behind the times, or maybe I have the wrong friends, but I've now encountered many people with extensive media access through Plex servers that do not seem to be owned by them.

How does one acquire such access?
Luke Skywanker
2 weeks ago 1 I really enjoy how serious NYT headlines look.
Luke Skywanker
2 weeks ago 10
So I'm staying at this house with the biggest TV screen I've ever seen AND they've got a Switch and I was excited to finally play Breath of the Wild etc...
... but I'm still obsessed with New Vegas.
Luke Skywanker
3 weeks ago 5
Oh thank god I am actually writing again. The shame spiral since coming home has been brutal.
Luke Skywanker
3 weeks ago 6
[TV] I haven't finished Baby Reindeer yet but holy shit it's intense.

I think is weird how I kept hearing about it in terms that weren't off-putting but failed to offer what I think is both the hook AND the massive trigger warning.
Luke Skywanker
3 weeks ago 19
[music/film] Anyone watched the new Beach Boys doc on Disney+ yet?
Luke Skywanker
4 weeks ago
It's very funny, Joy is trying to coordinate lunch today while I'm trying to coordinate picking up flowers and surprising her with them without telling her the reason I can't meet for lunch is because I'm trying to figure out how to fill her apartment with flowers.
Luke Skywanker
4 weeks ago 9 I've committed to Alaska in July but I need a plan for after that...
Luke Skywanker
4 weeks ago 23
[FNV] I've been obsessed the past few weeks but man, Dead Money is just pissing me right off...