24Friends 132Fans
San Francisco, CA, United States
Photographer: -- the photography of David Lindes
Novice filmmaker.
Recovering geek.
Aspiring polymath.

Lived in Seattle, WA; born and raised in Palo Alto, CA; then lived in Berlin... then SLC, of all places (though it's actually a pretty OK place to be,
lindes wonders
1 years ago
if this site will get any sort of uptick as Twitter seems to be imploding. Anybody here? :-D
lindes wishes
3 years ago 3
thera a happy cake day. Even though it's awfully quiet around here. :-)

(Not that I haven't been contributing to the quiet...)
lindes shares
3 years ago 3
Capitalism is a friggin' SCAM that's making us poor
Also, i think I dislike the new plurk layout. We shall see. I don't see the place to change the settings, so maybe I'll get used to it? :-o :-/
lindes shares
3 years ago
‪For those in need of some satirical humor...
lindes shares
4 years ago 4
"You don't make old friends later" — James Baldwin, in James Baldwin interview 1984 / thepostarchive
lindes asks
4 years ago
Who here counts themselves an anarchist? And/or has strong opinions on anarchy, positively or negatively?
lindes shares
4 years ago 2
I imagine some folks here might enjoy this. :-) Loops of Zen -- note, it appears to be (I found it when looking for sites that were) IPv6 only. Hopefully you're IPv6-ready, and can enjoy. :-)
lindes shares
4 years ago
a relatively nuanced analysis of the notion of "vote blue no matter who": Krystal Ball Attacked for Refusing to Vote for Joe B...
lindes thinks
4 years ago 2