Fuggy Pudding
104Friends 23Fans
male Liverpool, Great Britain (UK)
Scouse mouse, zombie slayer, lover of mince.

fugazi (adj.) -- 1. Artificial, fake, false. Can be in reference to a thing or a person. If a person it is usually in reference to a superficial p
Fuggy Pudding
6 years ago 1
I don't know what motivated me to login today, but I find it really sad that everyone has apparently moved on. It feels weird to not see people talking.
Fuggy Pudding
9 years ago 6
In the market for a new spine. Will take used. Any offers?
Fuggy Pudding
9 years ago 3
My arse has barely touched the floor this week. Ready for a rest x.x
Fuggy Pudding
9 years ago 6
Hello pretties!
Fuggy Pudding
9 years ago 3
Cold cold cold cold cold don't like it
Fuggy Pudding
9 years ago 7
Too much fried rice!!
Fuggy Pudding
9 years ago
Kicking all kinds of ass today, jsyk
Fuggy Pudding
9 years ago 6
Got an interview next week :-o :-o :-o
Fuggy Pudding
9 years ago 6
Mornevenafternight Plurkie Pies