59Friends 230Fans
male Scottsdale, AZ, United States
Holus is a work surface platform that converts any digital content from a laptop, tablet or smartphone into a 3D, holographic expertise
holus654 is
8 years ago
We have been iterating over the past 18 months in order to understand how Holus can be designed in the most successful way possible
holus654 is
8 years ago
#Holus is a #tabletop platform that converts any #digital content from a #computer, tablet or #smartphone into a #3D
holus654 is
8 years ago
Happy new year all of you..
holus654 shares
8 years ago
(dance) (goodluck)
holus654 shares
8 years ago
In the past, #holographic experiences were bulky, expensive and not energy efficient.
holus654 shares
8 years ago
#Holus is a #tabletop #platform that converts any digital content from a #computer, tablet or #smartphone into a 3D, #holographic experience
holus654 shares
8 years ago
holus654 is
8 years ago
holus654 shares
8 years ago 1