9Friends 67Fans
female Monticello, MN, United States
amadasanford wishes
9 years ago
Alcoholism is known as a tolerant disease, meaning that the signs and indications of drinking alcohol become progressively more severe over time.
amadasanford wishes
9 years ago
to go back time and choose just to be friends with him. In that way, I could love you without being afraid of losing you.
amadasanford will
9 years ago
Fall in love and be insane. (goodluck)
amadasanford feels
9 years ago
happy and excited! (dance)
amadasanford is
9 years ago
Isn't it weird that some people are still up late at night, missing somebody and there are other people sound asleep with no idea they're being missed? (sleeping)
amadasanford is
9 years ago
Laughing like your not sad. Oh crazy me. (lmao)
amadasanford is
9 years ago
It is LOVE when no matter how much pain you feel, you still fall over and over and over again with that person. (heart) :-))
amadasanford is
9 years ago
(wave) it's been a while. Hello!
amadasanford is
9 years ago
LIFE is a gift. Treasure it. Enjoy it. Share it. (drinking)
amadasanford shares
9 years ago