95Friends 86Fans
male Kuching, Malaysia
Getting lost somewhere.
self manually focused.
anytime anywhere.
Achiever of Mind and Molecules
alger says
9 years ago 1
it looks like a few unfortunate flight news lately, mere coincidence or we just take the world events too lightly before?
alger says
9 years ago
no matter how bad the situation we have now, lay low and fix it soon
alger says
9 years ago 1
change of season, feel warmer or colder somewhere?
alger says
9 years ago 3
Oh plurk network has been quiet r u all doing?
alger says
10 years ago 2
have a nice wednesday all~
alger says
10 years ago
Reality is that we can't reduce problems, we only prioritize to fix them and be ready for the new ones and the existing ones.
alger says
10 years ago
long weekend for you all...?
alger says
10 years ago
have a nice sunday everyone? :-D
alger says
10 years ago 1
it's a choice not to fail or not to regret~
alger says
10 years ago
warm and chilly air, all in 1 day...