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向福島 50人致敬。日本的土地也是屬於地球人的土地,請大家也想想自己可以做些什麼,各自小小的努力說不定會引起蝴蝶效應。
11 hours ago 1
Yunchan Lim - Chopin: 12 Études, Op. 10 - No. 11 in ...Nice speed, but rushing at points and some phrasing of left hand mismatched with right hand's.
京都大學研究遭曝!牙齒再生藥入臨床階段 老網友激動:我能再吃牛排了!
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區京都大學研究遭曝!牙齒再生藥入臨床階段 老網友激動:我能再吃牛排了!Oh the replies
TV Talent Shows Hate Classical Music (unless you pla...It is always hard to make a show on things people call talent, because what people want to watch is drama, and what they enjoy at the end is the inspirational feeling that intelligent beings all crave for.