167Friends 249Fans
female Sweden
Phoenix Wright and John Watson @ Ximilia
Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor @ Eastbound

Teacher of teens. Aspiring writer, kind of. Language nerd.

Yesterday 9
[Gintama] Just more or less binged it in two days.
4 days ago 1
The school year is done and I have summer break!!
6 days ago 11

Took me a second to find his head.
6 days ago 11
We're swapping to Apple at work and uhm. Does MacBook air just not turn off lmao?? Why is there not a power button. I don't like this.
2 weeks ago 17
[Werk] Today I signed a contract for a permanent position at the school I've worked at this past year!!
2 weeks ago 33 @Edit 2 weeks ago
We have a zoo in Sweden that famously only keeps endangered species. Once a species is no longer endangered, they phase them out of the zoo. (So far I think this has only happened once but I digress.) This year I decided to become a donor for a European rodent called the European ground squirrel.
3 weeks ago 8
[Werk] So yesterday a long workday on an excursion with my ninth graders that meant getting home at 9 PM turned into a wet and cold nightmare as we waited in the rain for two hours for a bus that was already an hour delayed before that.
3 weeks ago 92 @Edit 3 weeks ago
Hey, are you American, Brit, Aussie or a history nerd? Or some combination of the things? I would love some help. obv I can do a bit of googling too but
3 weeks ago 5
[bg3] Hot tip if you didn't know: The wild shape can sit and lie down on all the things your regular shape can.
1 months ago 4
[Werk] 1. Confirmed I'm staying next school year, possibly a permanent position??
2. Honestly my coworkers are so great. My toughest class made me cry in the break room for the n-th time and the next day someone had left a heart-shaped post-it note saying I'm a star.