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female Wuthering Downs, Second Life, Second life
It’s gonna be a hot day today so I walked the dog extra early. Saw these cuties on the walk: https://images.plurk.com/5Za7BaoKTsBmI45WSHOqNy.jpg
I’ve had a free rainbow dress for Pride on Marketplace for about 4 years and this is the first year anyone has bought it. If you see it blogged anywhere, please let me know. I’d like to thank them. It’s free, but I’m glad people want it.* dimma * Rainbow Dress
1 weeks ago 6
Finished the trek across country. Here are the highlights in dog pics. https://images.plurk.com/PtJLx2MF0D05n6lY7ZrwC.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3tB48gQiCjXAqnqba2k2El.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5rzlhKVj7sYn94LogRLb9d.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1Zf46wfiMqgp617ijFkKuR.jpg Davenport, Pine Bluff Wy, Salt Flats, and finally, CA
2 weeks ago 1
I’m starting another cross country trek on Monday. Wish me luck. I’ll be in California by Friday. 🤞🏻
3 weeks ago 1
I’m creeped out by AI ABBA.
3 weeks ago 3
My three favs so far are Ireland, Norway, and Latvia.
3 weeks ago
I’m trying to set up a self hosted security system with my raspberry pi and it keeps freezing.
3 weeks ago 6
Drama in Eurovision world. They booted The Netherlands for...some kind of misconduct?
3 weeks ago
I was able to watch the Eurovision semi finals on Peacock live without a VPN and without the super annoying commentary that US tv used to have. Just the show. It was nice. Can’t wait for Saturday.
3 weeks ago
Um...I’m catching up on the Eurovision semi final and and and windows95man kinda has a hairy ass.