6Friends 2Fans
male Singapore
noname says
12 years ago
So near yet so far...
noname says
12 years ago
I am that blur in your memory you can't even remember how I look like. Maybe. You can.
noname says
12 years ago
Love my life.:-)
noname says
12 years ago 1
I was enchanted to meet you. ;-)
noname says
12 years ago
oh my beautiful target, you zoom zoom heart like a rocket~
noname says
12 years ago
Listen to me.
I love you.
noname says
12 years ago
noname says
12 years ago
I'm a born tragedy...
noname says
12 years ago
Its never cheating if you never get caught.
noname says
12 years ago
You will never be mine, and I know it better than anyone else.