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male Taiwan
This is meaningless account. Don't see, Don't follow, Don't care.
如果您是為政治話題而來, 您會失望的.
貝哥哥_鍵鼠叔 says
18 hours ago 8
nice try
Kamala slams Hamas

- Says the war was started by Hamas
- Israel has the right to self-defense
- Hamas slaughtered 1200 innocents
- Hamas killed 44 Americans
- Hamas uses sexual violence
- Reads the names of US hostagesVisegrád 24 (@visegrad24) on X
貝哥哥_鍵鼠叔 says
20 hours ago 4
貝哥哥_鍵鼠叔 says
Yesterday 5
其實我不知道做 smart watch 要幹麻TinyWatch S3 is an open-source, customizable smartwa...
貝哥哥_鍵鼠叔 says
Yesterday 3
所以 UXL 的目標是從 nVidia 獨大變 intel 獨大
UXL Foundation: Unified Acceleration