114Friends 54Fans
female, Yggdrasil, United States
A Second Life Faerie, Deoridhe blogs at, spends hours exploring art and beautiful sims, and roleplays at Skyrah.
Deoridhe says
7 years ago 4
Deoridhe says
7 years ago 4
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe are currently leading a protest against a pipeline which will foul their water, with at least 120 tribes represented.
Deoridhe says
7 years ago 2
Moments in inventory management:
Deoridhe says
7 years ago 1
My hugest pet peeve: People using "It's a truth universally acknowledged" to refer to something the person actually thinks is true.
Deoridhe says
7 years ago 4
Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood of the Great British Bake-off are delightful together.