280Friends 230Fans
male Pingtung, Taiwan
Almost same as a mountain, I don't speak too much and keep myself simple, honor, honest and happy
André Rieu - don't cry for me Argentina - New York C...
LOUIS ARMSTRONG what wonderful world
It your father is still live alone, please do the best to keep him know that he is not alone.
Traveler with his home sick minded, even the flight is still in JPN Domestic. There's the seasonal raining in the sky .....
We got shower at home Pingtung,the southern tip of Taiwan 100 km to the beautiful Kendin seashore. To enjoy the love and warm sunshine and pretty young girls in sexy bikini, Surely endless music ..Peace only
為何而生,又為何而死! 讀聖賢書所學何事,加油偉哥。至於小人坐困愁城無法自拔亦自取,人生如夢需盡歡,不負此生,共勉之。
Rain and tear, if rain can wash away the tear, there is nothing too serious to worry about, then why not dance in the rain, not only walking in the rain ....
Chainlong噗樂客 分享
7 years ago 4
晚安, 與人相處,如經常心懷猜忌、憤怒、報復,就是選擇地獄。當該選擇包容、原諒、了解、寬恕、關懷,就是快樂。 One for all and all for one.
配合 時局潮流,修正創新,避免被淘汰。不怕失敗,但不放棄而一試再試;山不轉路轉;路不轉人轉;人不轉心轉。亦是經由自己選擇而 There is always at least a choice remained;Don't push yourself too hard. 人生真心話:包容力越大、看得越清楚。得失看開捨得放下,國是家事天下事,事事關心,如是而已又奈何,心欲雜多。人事已非,欲從頭收拾? 幾度夕陽紅! To have a nice dream.
Chainlong噗樂客 分享
7 years ago 3
Chainlong噗樂客 分享
7 years ago 2
baipu: Fuzzer, Roberson, John or Jane is all the same one... (Plurk Paste) what is horrible? Nothing is more terrible than a man to kill the other one by a gun. Never scare yourself. To make and keep our world in peace and love by our own way and try AGAIN AND AGAIN. 超時空攔截/前目的地
Chainlong噗樂客 分享
7 years ago 3
謝謝金言 :-) 得之我幸,不得我命,有得有失,斯乃人生;不計不亟不氣不求,隨緣隨意爾。(goodluck) 轉噗 姑且再試之。自反而縮,雖千萬人,吾往矣 :-D
I am a total loser, no money,, no kid, no wife, no house, no car. an old Chinese saying 5 good things for a man to work for his own life. but I have nothing but myself。五子登科於我如無子。今夕何夕u愚人節是也