Ceejay Writer
33Friends 14Fans
female New Babbage, Second life
Writes odd novels. Reviews odd novels. Edits odd novels. Is odd and novel. Opinions are those of my symbiote.

I do all my own stunts but never intentionally.

The Brassbright Chronicle – Industralia's Most Talka...
A License to Quill – Writer ~ Reviewer ~ Editor
Find books by Lori Alden Holuta at your favorite dig...
Ceejay Writer
5 hours ago 2
Summer Shredding is real and you can DO it. Snatch the eBook preorder NOW or deadlift the paperback on release day. The weight is over June 20th!
https://amzn.to/...Find books by Lori Alden Holuta at your favorite dig...https://images.plurk.com/7lN30lYhP4RlkN9Bz6XXj4.jpg
Ceejay Writer
5 days ago 10
I conquered a huge deadline yesterday. One I'd pushed so much other aspects of my life aside for. Today I'm looking at the explosion of email, the half-done projects... my desktop computer is basically a mountain of incomprehensible digital debris. Gonna take a few me-days to simply push my own stuff around. And breathe. I need to breathe.
Ceejay Writer
6 days ago
Author August Niehaus and I ran a fun contest, looking for stories about breaking spells. Now YOU can read the entries, AND listen to the winning story as an audio production. It's all right here, enjoy! Break A Spell Contest – The Stories – The Brassbrigh...
Ceejay Writer
1 weeks ago 8
Okay so I love Christine McConnell. Unless you are one of her Patreons you only get a video once in a blue moon. Today is apparently blue because I got a video!
Ceejay Writer
1 weeks ago 4
This looks like it will probably be crap, but I'm performing my due diligence in making sure PollyPaperclip is aware of it!The Beatle Who Vanished: 60th Beatles Anniversary To...
Ceejay Writer
1 weeks ago
This floated across my YouTube feed so now you can wince along with me.Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - North Korea...
Ceejay Writer
2 weeks ago 13
Pulled up a rose bush with my bare hands the other day. struts
Ceejay Writer
2 weeks ago 15
If you remember Eliza Wierwight of Patron in SL, I learned this morning that she passed on May 4th. No other details were provided.
Ceejay Writer
2 weeks ago 5
Today I'm steaming 50 pork and shrimp shumai, and baking a couple of meatloaves. https://images.plurk.com/2toveh3sTMi27WaMFPDmlk.jpg
Ceejay Writer
2 weeks ago 2
Lucy is FREE! (Read the description below the video.)Lucy Free From Matting 5 15 24