130Friends 47Fans
female Massachusetts, United States
DW RPer, pretty boring otherwise.

Longest Night: Loki
15 hours ago
send cold thoughts, we have a heatwave starting tomorrow and lasting the rest of the week
Yesterday 2
TIL Vic Mignogna is a Young Earth Creationist
Yesterday 2
Elona: my favorite game that I've never completed
3 days ago 4
looking for next game to play, tried PokeWilds again. finally getting the hang of it... and there are no move tutors/relearners. yeah I think I'm done until those are implemented
3 days ago 17
[LN] daemon for Loki, snek or black cat... or maybe jackdaw?
3 days ago 1
made my first credit card charge dispute. it was a reward program subscription I somehow got signed up for, didn't notice it for several months. spotted it last month, called to cancel. new charge showed up yesterday
4 days ago 47
[LN] owls_in_moss how would Stacia feel about Loki adopting her? he's not anti-having kids, he just thinks any bio kids he might have are doomed to be monsters
5 days ago
whoo, unlocked save file transfer in RF4S! now the next time I start a new game, I can make use of my max level fields!
6 days ago
I don't follow Dungeon Meshi, but has anyone pointed out that the premise is basically a rogue-like? dungeon crawl, eat everything you find that's edible. (and if you can't eat it, polymorph it or yourself until you can)
6 days ago 4 @Edit 6 days ago
did you know that E=mc^2 is liberal claptrap? so sayeth the trusworthy encyclopedia