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male Eureka, UT, United States
Emperor of your Galaxy. Watch what you say.
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Alienlunch shares
9 years ago
Alienlunch is
9 years ago
transferring all my content from Yahoo to: associated content Lex
Alienlunch is
10 years ago
I am publishing it on the Blogger multivariable conditional probability site as I continue to think it out.
Alienlunch is
10 years ago
I think string theory is strange and stupid but I like multivariable probability theory because it explains why entropy fails. Historic probability is complete certainty. It happened. All of it.
Alienlunch is
10 years ago
I am still working on the problem with conditional multivariable probability theory . I just thought it is more than semantics about what is certain and without probability.
Alienlunch is
10 years ago
It turns out that multivariable probability is the real theory of everything in physics. But since it only works in the present and into the future and not the past it explains time.
Alienlunch is
10 years ago
Did you know that probability only exists in the future as it is conditional on unknown events and even if the past is completely unknown there is no probability there only 100% certainty of events.
Alienlunch is
10 years ago
I invented a new cat toy that floats in the air and the cat loves it.