Kara Timtam
4 years ago
Hunkered down, writing a mad calendar of non-events. Hoping to work from home for the next few weeks.
Kara Timtam
4 years ago
Maybe we can have a Europan family reunion in SL some time soon?
Stereo Nacht
4 years ago
Good luck with the work-from-home! (As for the "family reunion"... The Baron usually shows up for the Concordant dance, and Ms. Blitzen sometimes do. I haven't seen Ms. Sumoku in a while, though; and it's been even longer for Ms. Lowey. The others have practically disappeared, as far as I know.)
4 years ago
I haven't been in for ages either, but the Concor-dance is Saturdays at 19:30.
4 years ago
StereoNacht: Is he still hot for an old guy? XD
Stereo Nacht
4 years ago
He has even less of a sense of humour. (And as far as I am concerned, his new mesh hair just isn't right.) BUT! Mr/Ms Tao Mistwalker is still trying very, VERY hard to have him nosepinch! Joins us tomorrow night to see the Emergency Baron (and Emergency Tao!)