生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
GE2019英國大選在即,衛生大臣(保守黨)漢考克稱100年前的今天(11/28),保守黨的Nancy Astor當選史上第一位國會女議員。
Matt Hancock on Twitter──然後立刻被Derry Girl的Clare打臉。真正的第一位英國國會議員是來自於當時仍為英國屬地愛爾蘭的瑪姬薇奇女爵。她雖然當選後以不出席議會的方式抗爭,但這不改變於她才是第一位當選英國國會議員的女性。
Constance Markievicz - Wikipedia征服者、殖民者利用造假來抹殺你的本土歷史。怎麼聽起來好像國民黨。果然這些人都是一丘之貉、用的手段都一樣。因為都是征服他人領土的外來政權。

#性別平權 #托利黨造假歷史 #婦女參政權
latest #14
Matt Hancock on Twitter100 years ago today, the first female MP, Nancy Astor, was elected to Parlt. The female @Conservatives candidates standing in this election are exceptional & I look forward to working with them in Parlt to achieve further progress on gender equality across our society.
Nicola Coughlan on TwitterThe first female MP elected to Parliament in Westminster was Irish Socialist Constance Markievicz, check your facts, they’re wrong

Irish people when the Conservative Party try and erase us from history because it doesn’t suit their narrative.
Steve Sweeney on TwitterTories falsifying history - the first female MP elected to Westminster was Sinn Fein’s Constance Markievicz, a Republican abstentionist.

Instead of taking her seat she joined her comrades to establish the Dail Eireann in Dublin, serving as Minister of Labour.
The Tories jailed her numerous times and she was elected from her prison cell in December 1918.

She was in Holloway Prison when the Dail first met and was described as being “imprisoned by the foreign enemy”.
是Derry Girl的是Clare首先發難的!!
穿著適合的短裙跟強韌的靴子,珠寶金飾留在銀行裡,去買一把左輪吧。」 by 瑪姬薇奇女爵 #革命時刻
Maurice Quinlivan TD on Twitter“Dress suitably in short skirts and strong boots, leave your jewels and gold wands in the bank, and buy a revolver." Constance Markievicz
4 years ago
swn002: 即便他口頭說Britain,但心理可能覺得愛爾蘭到現在都還是大英帝國的神聖不可分割領土(捏鼻
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